The length of time it takes to complete a landlord-tenant case depends on which municipality your case is in. If you are in upper Westchester County, the case will be concluded quicker than if your matter is in Yonkers or Mt. Vernon.
The speed by which a case is concluded also depends on the type of case it is. There are two types of landlord-tenant proceedings: one is the nonpayment proceeding where the tenant is taken to court for the tenant’s failure to pay rent; the second type is a holdover proceeding where the tenant has breached a non-money related provision in the lease and remains in possession after the lease was terminated by the landlord.
Due process dictates certain steps be followed before legally evicting a tenant. By law, whether or not a tenant has a lease, before a landlord may commence a non-payment proceeding, a tenant must be given at least a 5 day and 14 day notice that the rent is owed and if not paid legal action will commence. Upon the expiration of the 5 day and 14 day notice our office prepares the notice of petition and petition and then schedules the matter on the court calendar. Obtaining the court date usually takes less than two weeks, which allows time for the marshal or process server to file the petition with the court and serve the tenant. After court is concluded, we usually are awarded a judgment for the amount of rent owed (if a nonpayment proceeding) and a warrant and submit the judgment and warrant to the court for the Judge’s signature. Only when these papers are signed by the Judge and a 14 day notice is served upon the tenant and expires can a tenant be evicted. Although we do the best we can to expedite every step of the process, it is still a process that takes some time.
If commencing a holdover proceeding, the delay in getting a defaulting tenant out is usually compounded by additional notice requirements such as a notice to cure, which gives the tenant an opportunity to cure an ongoing breach of the lease. Call us today to discuss your specific details.
Being involved in landlord-tenant matters can be very stressful, but with James G. Dibbini & Associates assisting you, the process can be much more manageable with faster and positive results. Call us today if you have an existing landlord-tenant matter or question.